{There are tons of photos out there of Mormon Temples or graphical represenations of other Mormon topics.|Images and pictures of Mormon temples and other topics important to Mormons are all over the internet. However, it's often quite a task to find the photos you're searching for. In an effort to put these images out there to a broader audience, I'm placing some of them here.
I'm so tired of seeing the anti-mormon and Mitt Romney images plastered all over search engine results. So here are some pictures that you'll probably find intriguing or cool.
Book of Mormon - Here is a really high quality image of the Book of Mormon

The Angel Moroni graces the tops of most Mormon Temples. There are only a few that do not have the Angel Moroni on top. Two that I know of are the Logan, UT and Mesa, AZ temples. Kind of cool information.

A typical picture of Jesus Christ done by the Mormon Church, this is often found in the chapels throughout the world.

Here is an excellent picture of a mormon woman praying. This picture is pretty inspiring I think.

Posted by coolmormonimages
at 5:27 PM EST